Result of analysing 774 articles
GMT: 11 PM Thu Aug 31 | CST: 6 PM Thu Aug 31
China 9.0% mostly: Negative
Newest: From Gina Raimondo and Fukushima to youth-unemployment data, 7 things you may have missed in China’s economy in August Link
United States 4.0% mostly: Positive
Newest: US plans to build up force of combat drones, with an eye on China, Pentagon official says Link
Hong Kong 4.0% mostly: Neutral
Newest: Hong Kong should teach CPR in classrooms or at driving schools to reduce deaths, leading medical expert says Link
Health 2.0% mostly: Neutral
Newest: Green groups urge Hong Kong authorities to be more aggressive in setting air quality targets as 2-month public consult.. Link
Police 1.0% mostly: Positive
Newest: Hong Kong school bus driver arrested after 34 injured in collision with double-decker vehicle, with 3 in serious condi.. Link
India 1.0% mostly: Neutral
Newest: Xi Jinping won’t attend upcoming G20 meeting in New Delhi: media reports Link
Bitcoin 1.0% mostly: Neutral
Newest: 7 Spot Bitcoin ETFs Face Extended Wait as SEC Seeks Deeper Analysis Link
Covid-19 1.0% mostly: Neutral
Newest: China’s ‘bat woman’ Shi Zhengli nominated to join elite science academy Link
South Korea 1.0% mostly: Neutral
Newest: Fukushima water release: Asian states to pursue nuclear energy plans despite recent protests Link
United Kingdom 1.0% mostly: Neutral
Newest: Brain fog after Covid linked to blood clots - study Link