Result of analysing 1198 articles
GMT: 11 PM Wed Jun 30 | CST: 6 PM Wed Jun 30
Covid-19 9.0% mostly: Negative
Newest: World Bank says will boost financing for COVID-19 vaccines to $20 billion Link
Bitcoin 8.0% mostly: Positive
Newest: Will An African Country Be The Next To Adopt Bitcoin? Link
United States 7.0% mostly: Positive
Newest: US and Britain are both behind Black Sea ‘provocation’, says Vladimir Putin Link
China 6.0% mostly: Negative
Newest: Unhashed Podcast - Craig Wright and Primates Link
Crypto 4.0% mostly: Positive
Newest: Cryptocurrencies Are on FinCEN’s First ‘National Priorities’ List Link
Hong Kong 4.0% mostly: Negative
Newest: In wake of Apple Daily’s demise, European Parliament considers resolution on Hong Kong Link
Vaccine 4.0% mostly: Positive
Newest: Why poor countries could lose $1.4 trillion this year Link
Russia 3.0% mostly: Positive
Newest: Turkey says in talks with Russia on extending Syria aid Link
Technology 3.0% mostly: Neutral
Newest: More bodies found near Canada residential school as Pope Francis agrees to meet survivors Link
United Kingdom 2.0% mostly: Positive
Newest: DOT Token, Now Tradable at Revolut, the Game Changing UK Banking App Link